One can't be at two places the same time, says "Pauli's Exclusion Principle", but women just don't seem to listen !
Seen this and seeing this with the valuable realisation from the past year, that, women carry their whole house with them.. As in, wherever they are, they have in their minds, their families, keeping in mind every small detail, about likes and dislikes of her people, a woman just sets an example of perfection !
We think it's hard to manage house and work, and I rather say, it's next to impossible doing so, which women actualize Everyday !
I can't imagine being so brave, I mean doing the household work, sending children to school, making tiffin, (cooking, well I'm very bad at it, so all together it's a different struggle for me)
So, I was saying, women carry their house with them, everywhere they go.. So never judge a women by how she dresses, or I should rather say, never judge Anyone by how he dresses as you never know, may be the "Appearance" must be the last thing in their minds...
I mean, if a girl wears short clothes, it doesn't mean she's inviting people, neither she's blocking people if she dresses conservatively. It's just always about the culture we're into and moreover, if you ask women out there, they'll definitely agree to the fact that they're comfortable in whatever they're wearing, and they even like it that way, So that's it, clothes has very less to do with what we actually are.
A few years back... I was a typical teenage girl, having my own Fantasies about the world and the worldly issues, but now that I'm about to step into womanhood(well, the work's still under progress, or actually better to say, on the line of girlhood and womanhood) It is the fact that I am getting all selfish, well, let me define this "selfish ", my friend once told me, "Sukanya dear, a woman is the selfish most person on this earth" and adding to that, "if the woman you're talking about, is a mother, then forget the level of selfishness", well let me tell you, this whole "selfishness" of a woman is the "selflessness", as in selfishness for her people, yes, for all her people but Herself !
(Okay, when I said that I am getting selfish, it didn't mean I'm going to become a mother I just meant I'm getting a little Selfless which I wasn't in my teeny tiny world)
Well, everyone has the women of their lives, who's after a girl's womanly instincts, yeah I have her too, Yes, it's my mother, very beautiful, dresses conservatively but in fashion, makes me stronger day by day, encourages me to face the harsh reality of the hypocritical world and always there as a best friend to share gossips and to pour my heart out. We fight as well(A LOT trust me), well it becomes obvious as we've been talking a lot, she just get's cranky when I'm not giving her much of time, and the worst part is when she's not the first one I share my news with.
But there's this one thing I always do, though she has seen way more than I have, i.e. she's more experienced in all terms, but since she stays back at home all the time, I make sure I show her what's actually going on outside, it's through My Eyes that she sees the outer world, so I make sure I present it rationally in front of her, I show her how things have changed from their time to our time, the beautiful part of this whole process is, she's very positive with my view, she's so smart, she's so modern that she accepts and understands me and has faith in me, that if Sukanya says so, it must be true, she's such a doll, I don't think I can be such a great mom. I'm 100% sure, If my Mom would've born around in my generation, she must've been one of those "Beauty with brains" kind of girls 
. Well didn't want it to turn into a "Mother's day" thing, but It's women's day, and why won't I mention the woman who's shaping the woman in me !
It's said, that behind every successful man, there's a woman, but I'd rather say that behind every successful and happy woman, there's a man, supporting her, pushing her, encouraging her, completing her.
There's a man in my world too, yeah, it's my Dad(I call him Puppa
) (and yeah, now it's going to turn into a "Father's Day" thing) The man in my life, My Dad, he's always so so irritating me, making fun of me, he's more of an elder brother, or boyfriend at times, and hence always there when I'm wrong, when something goes wrong, when I fail at exams, when I am disastrous at cooking, I wish I get a husband like him
The thing is... What a woman is, how she's supposed to be treated is decided by the male members of the family, and I think he has taught me really good, how and why to respect a woman, and why as a woman I ought to get the same. When you see him practicing it himself, you realise your basic behavior comes from your family, and here's where everything starts from.
Well enough of my Family Drama.
I've heard this somewhere and started to believe it by now, that when women come together with same intentions, be it for making a quilt, in a kitchen making a meal, in a club reading same book, around the table playing cards, or planning a birthday party, when women come together with collective intentions, they outperform, and hence Magic happens !!
I Strongly believe, women Are capable of bringing about a change, starting from our very own house, to the society, you just need to be brave and willing enough to at least take the first step, as rest the conspires with time, you just need to raise your voice, my dear ladies, be brave, because if you're so confined to please everyone everytime and so so worried about being liked you'll never be able to bring about the change you've always dreamed of, and you yourself won't be happy, so what's the point in living such a life, you'll have to admit to the fact that in your journey towards your ultimate goal, you ARE going to hurt a few people, you will be disappointing a few others, you'll have to go against a few ones, and Make it done !
So have faith in yourself and knowing the thing you're up to is morally correct, go for it, once people realize your humble intentions, they'll join you as well.
The biggest complaint I have from all the women is that once they're busy in their lives, they just forget to take out some time for themselves, okay, for women who's family means everything to them, just fulfilling their needs is everything to such women, I'm not even saying to keep yourself "first" but at least SOMEWHERE if not first, you can at least take out "some" time for your own self, shouldn't you be ?!
At my office, when women were asked what their hobbies were, they actually went blank, for a few... The only things they did other then work, were things for their children, their husband, their families, and this is something which should never happen ladies ! You see that we become so busy in life that we just forget to live... Don't do that, keep time for yourselves. Take up a new hobby, or re-live an old one, but make at least one move for yourselves everyday !
"Women" the whole class is so Classy you see
, beauty is redefined looking at and through women. Moreover beauty is more of an intellectual thing, a thing worth thinking of and not merely a Matter of appearance !
So never ever feel yourself as "not so good looking" or "not beautiful", and to other girls and guys who make their partners feel so, a humble request to them, Never do that, because for someone who's mature enough to take your suggestions the right way, it all cool, but for the ones who're blindly in love with you might just loose their minds ! I've kind of gone through it. So it just once housed in my mind that I am not beautiful enough, trust me, I missed many things during that phase. One thing you need to understand is, you can't be uglier than you think you are, and you are beautiful only to the extent You believe You Are. Being beautiful makes you look beautiful, but Feeling beautiful makes you Stay Beautiful. So the choice is yours.
(I've chosen to Feel Beautiful over the past years, and trust me, it's more beautiful and it indeed makes you more and more beautiful with time !) Your beauty must reflect back in the form of happiness, as you must be happy inside out in order to keep people around you happy.
So I'd like to conclude by mentioning that, for all those years as a woman hearing "not slim enough", "not curvy enough", "not pretty enough", "not this enough", "not that enough", wake up over this nightmare and yell back, "Hey You, Yes you Moron, I am more than Just Enough" !
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