Finally after a grand celebration of international women's
day, and receiving infinite messages and reading countless articles I felt soo prestigious
for being a women. For an instant I thought of our world without all those harassment
women face. Ok so no more eve teasing and rape cases around me.This all
really sounds so satisfying,and unbelievable too.
But the next sunrise was really shocking. Again that
repeated picture when I got out of my house a group of boys teasing a girl
passing by and that helpless face running from there. A day before everyone
around was messaging me about how beautiful is my existence on this earth and now
after 24 hours again my neighboring aunty complaining to my mom "eka
mulila sobta ka itkya ratri bher rahna!!" I giggled on myself that how could
I even expect this temporary satisfaction to be my permanent happiness.
Celebrating this 8th march can really change the dispersed scenario of our society??
Ohh please if that would be the case there won't be 250,000 rape cases recorded
annually, and there won't be girl afraid of walking on the street with the fear
of eve teasing, no parent would say "saat ch aat gharat ye"
In this fast growing and developing world where there is
nothing a girl can't do and where every second mouth utters the word
"equality" this sexual difference is held soo high that we celebrate
8th march as "WOMEN'S DAY" and "MEN'S DAY" on 19th November.
This itself replicates our attitude towards EQUALITY. When a child is born the first
question that arises is "boy or a girl?" Is it that god gifts a boy with
extra hands and a girl with less?NO .When someone steps in this world it is as
a human being ,just the difference in
the physical appearance does not discriminate men and women. This sexual difference
doesn't decide your right to live.. And so how can we say that this difference
is god gifted
We are the one to dig this well of sex discrimination and
now unfortunately we are the one's to fall in that well. I heard it somewhere
yesterday that "women are stronger as compared to men". They do this,
they do that...bla bla bla...ohh my god can someone please answer why are they compared
to each other and over imposed on each other in a very sympathetic way. Both of
them have equal ability, since both of them have 2 eyes, 2 ears,1 nose and 1
brain. Imagine an alien landing on earth would he discriminate us as men and women.
No absolutely not!!he is not even aware of this sexual discriminatory
practices. He really won't grasp any reason
for celebrating this day.
Why don't we blindfold ourselves to this difference while
walking on roads or working together. Is a women so weak that she needs a special
square everywhere as a sympathy??We limit her living why because she is a women.!
I am not against celebrating women's day or respecting them, i don't even negotiate
the fact of she being powerful but why this difference, just because she is a women.
She does not need you to respect her just for a day and tell around that how
powerful she is as compared to men.Just because you are a girl friend of mine do
i need to ignore your corns..Yes you are my daughter so i won't allow you to stay
out late night. If you are in love its a crime and if my son is in love its a
pride. I may be having a girl friend but my sister cannot have anyone in her life.
If you are standing in a bank queue I'll make you go first why am i not in a
We teach our kids that this is what girls do and this is
what boys do, how can we expect years later he not being a part of thay eve
teasing or rape,since what he looks at her is as a girl not human being. Then
why shall he behave like an human when he sees a naked girl lying on the road..why
shall he stop his car to stop that gang rape because she is not an human, she
is just a girl. Did god send him in your womb with this difference in his mind?
And the answer is really "NO"
Even in the stone age they did not design this fact about
men and women, I have studied that everyone covered themselves with leaves.
Both used to hunt and pluck for their living. For a second just imagine if one
of them exclaimed their gender as their work, would they survive.
Abundant people
talking about nirbhaya and women's right on this day, we saw a huge candle
march,but tell me did rape victims end with her?? Are these thoughts erased by
lighting those candles. How could it,when we ourselves said "Nirbhaya can be
my daughter too" and so she needs a fair result, why can't it be your son??
If girls are not objects,boys are?
Everyone who came on street that day, would you accept a rape victim as your wife?
Can you let your sister get in that fire? No you won't, because it's not that
easy as carrying a board with "save girls". The day when rape victims
will be accepted within us that will be the punishment for those convicts.
Yes when all fathers will be free from the fear of their daughter
turning late at night,when she isn't stopped anywhere because she is a girl
that will be the day when" EQUALITY" will get its existence.
And that will be the day when we will celebrate "HUMAN'S
DAY". That will be the moment when men and women will just be a sex and
not the identity. That day let it be a man or woman both will have "RIGHT
TO LIVE" since they are humans.
And there won't be any Nirbhaya , Jyoti or Jessica.
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